Nov 21, 2019: .......
This month's speaker is Marc Petitjean.
Probably more than anyone else, Marc Petitjean has been responsible for the huge popularity that CDC flies have today. He has developed a considerable collection of CDC fly patterns and made commercially available the feathers and tools needed to tie them. His products are distinguished by their quality and the originality of thought that Marc has brought to flytying.
Marc Petitjean was born in 1955 in Troyes, France. At fourteen, he started experimenting with his grandfather’s split cane rod and an old line that needed frequent greasing to stay afloat. In 1978, Marc went to work in Fribourg, Switzerland. With the region’s numerous fine rivers, it was here that flyfishing really took hold of him, learning from anglers of the calibre of Louis Limouzin and Michel Roggo. During this time, he became interested in CDC flies, inspired by Gerhard Laible’s unorthodox tying techniques published in Der Fliegenfischer. But it was not until 1986 that Marc started working seriously on his own CDC designs.
By the late 1980s, Marc had devised a complete series of CDC flies and was considering turning professional tyer, who quickly recognised that there was something special about Petitjean’s flies. Veya helped Marc in every possible way, even supplying him with a considerable quantity of CDC feathers. In April 1990, Marc gave his first presentation at a show at Hilden, near Düsseldorf, organised by Der Fliegenfischer magazine. In May of the same year, he attended the Fly Fair, in the Netherlands. On both occasions he encountered tremendous enthusiasm for his flies and techniques.
Oct 17, 2019:
Anita Coulton will provide a presentation of Pocket Water Strategies that applies to small and moderate creeks as well as big rivers
Anita’s journey with a fly rod began at age 3 when her father, an avid outdoorsman, sat her on the bank with a tattered Zebco rod. A deep love for the outdoors was born, and more importantly, a passion to pursue anything that could be caught with a fishing rod. Her extensive fly fishing experience spans over 20 years and she is comfortable in both fresh and saltwater. A former competitive angler, she has fished alongside some of the World’s best. In 2017, she earned the title of NJ Flyfisherman of the year. Anita is a graduate of Reel Women Guide School, based in Montana. She is proud to be an Orvis Endorsed Guide with Cross Current Guide Service, and in season you can find her navigating her Clackacraft on the Upper Delaware River, chasing some of the toughest brown trout around. In addition to guiding, Anita is active with Casting for Recovery and has been involved for over 10 years. She is also an avid writer and contributor for magazines such as Dun Magazine and Fly Fisherman.
Sep 19, 2019:
Dusty Wissmath - Fly Fishing the Greater Yellowstone EcoSystem
In addition to his presentation, he is offering a FREE CASTING CLINIC in advance of the meeting that night so, BRING YOUR FLY ROD AND COME EARLY!!! Dusty will have you correcting that tailing loop in no time!
Dusty grew up in Missouri, started fly fishing when he was eight years old, and spent his formative years highly distracted by the sport. He began guiding and teaching fly fishing in the early seventies while working on a degree in Wildlife Biology at the University of Wyoming. Living in Jackson after dropping out of law school, he tied commercially for High Country Flies and guided the Snake, Green and New Fork Rivers and in Yellowstone National Park.
In 1996 he founded the Dusty Wissmath Fly Fishing School & Guide Service in the hills near Mercersburg, PA where it quickly earned a reputation as a professional, yet easygoing fly fishing school. As well as directing his own school, he heads the Orvis Fly Fishing School in Boiling Springs, PA, is an instructor at the Wulff School of Fly Fishing and served as the lead instructor at L.L. Bean’s Fly Fishing School in Virginia. He guides in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Montana and hosts trips to fly fishing destinations worldwide.
Dusty is a Simms and Costa Guide Ambassador and a Pro Staff member of Scott Fly Rods, Hatch Reels, Hyde Drift Boats, ARC Fishing and a royalty tier for Holly Flies. His writing and photography (this stunning Yellowstone Cutthroat image was beautifully captured by Dusty) can been found in several fly fishing publications. When not on or near the water, Dusty can be found chasing grouse and woodcock with Jim the Wonder Dog.
If you've ever considered joining a hosted trip to the Yellowstone Area, this is a presentation you do not want to miss! This may tempt you to finally pull the trigger on the trip of a lifetime!
Dec 19, 2018 Christmas Party & Annual Auction
Feb. 20, 2020: .......
Program: George Daniel - Streamer Fly Fishing.
George Daniel began fly fishing at age six in Potter County, Pennsylvania. Growing up along a native brook trout fishery designated as a “kids only section” and, being the only kid in the village who fished, George was able to fly fish and practice a lot, so he developed a true passion for it. Through his early teens, much of his fly fishing knowledge was self-taught.
However, when George was 14, his family relocated to central Pennsylvania, where, at a local fly shop, he found himself talking to his fly fishing idol, Joe Humphreys. Joe kindly took George under his wing and began providing him with his first, formalized fly fishing instruction. When he was just 16-years-old, Joe began to provide instruction on all levels, e.g. the basic cast to advanced nymphing casts. George credits Joe for the bulk of his knowledge, but also graciously acknowledges many national and international fly fishing professionals who have worked with him during the past.
Later, he had an opportunity to try out for Fly Fishing Team USA in Bend, Oregon. After qualifying for the team, he had the opportunity to compete in five World Fly Fishing Championships, coach both the US Youth Team and Fly Fishing Team USA in four World Championships. During this time, he has had an opportunity to travel the globe and learn from many of the best anglers in the world. George is a two-time US National Fly Fishing Champion and was ranked as high as 5th in the world.
George’s true passion is in fly fishing education. He appears at clubs and fly fishing shows around the country, where he conducts lectures and seminars. He also logs more than 280 days a year on waters near and far.
George is not only the author of two highly regarded and best selling books, he has also published articles in Fly Fisherman, American Angler and Fly Tyer magazines. His most recent book, Nymphing: New Angles and Tactics was recently released.
Jan 23, 2020: Note, this is the 4th Thursday .......
Devin Olsen - Tactical Fly Fishing: Lessons for All Anglers
In this presentation you'll get a glimpse inside the new book Tactical Fly Fishing: Lessons Learned from Competition for All Anglers. This presentation will teach the when, why, and how of angling different water types within a river as Devin has learned after 13 years of competing with Fly Fishing Team USA. Specific techniques, casts, rigging, and approaches will be discussed for fishing pocket water, riffles, runs, glides, and bank side lies. The goal is to help anglers stop skipping and start catching fish from all of the "in between" water which most anglers leave unfished.
Devin Olsen started fly fishing in Yellowstone at age 9, quickly becoming an addiction he could not shake. He started competing at age 19 and made Fly Fishing Team USA in 2006 when he was 21 years old. He has competed in 10 consecutive World Fly Fishing Championships, competing most recently in Tasmania in 2019. He has earned a bronze individual medal and silver and bronze team medals from these championships and numerous medals from competitions in the United States.
Away from competitive fishing he holds a bachelor’s degree in Ecology and a master’s degree in fisheries science. He worked as a fisheries biologist for several years before starting his company @tacticalflyfisher. He has produced two instructional films Modern Nymphing: European Inspired Techniques and Modern Nymphing Elevated: Beyond the Basics and authored the book Tactical Fly Fishing: Lessons Learned from Competition for All Anglers.
2019 - 2020 Meeting Schedule and Speakers
Mar. 19, 2020: ....... Cancelled !!!!
There will be no meeting this month. The Community Center will be closed due to the Corona Virus restriction closing all community centers, schools, gyms, etc.
Tim Flagler - Introduction to Trout Spey Fishing
Trout Spey is nothing new, it’s just a more effective way to swing flies like streamers, soft-hackles and classic wets. Yes, you can use it for nymphing and dry fly fishing, but swinging and stripping is where trout spey works best. The real difference comes when you employ either single-hand or two-hand spey casting techniques. These make for no back casts to worry about, much longer casts, easy, fast changes of cast direction, more effective mending and generally more relaxing fishing. Presentation is largely video-based but includes an equipment show-and-tell at the end.
Tim has been fly ishing and tying for more than 30 years. He founded Tightline Productions in 1998, a video production company that specializes in promotional and instructional video. Don't miss his fabulous instructional videos at his Vimeo Channel, Tight Line Productions. He's known worldwide for these tying videos. These videos frankly represent the industry standard! He is also a presenter, featured tyer at many of the Fly Fishing and Tying shows, instructor and guide.
May 21, 2020 .......
Cancelled due to Corona Virus Restrictions
Apr 16, 2020 .......
Cancelled due to Corona Virus Restrictions

Jun 18, 2020: .......
To be decided depending on social restrictions.