Monthly Meetings
Our monthly programs are structured to be personal and informative, on fly fishing for trout, salmon, bass & salt water presented by some of the top names in the fly fishing community.

Fly Tying & Fishing Classes
Beginner, intermediate & advanced tying
Specialized Advanced Classes for Dry Flys
Stream Tactics & Strategies Class
Beginner Fly Fisher Class

Fly Fishing Trips
(Both day trips and extended stays)
Pocono Mountains
Central PA
Upper Delaware River
Barry & Kathy Beck
Gary Borger
Lefty Kreh

Fly Fishing Clinics
Learn to Fly Fish Day
Geared to new and novice fly fishers
Off stream & on stream instructions
Casting demos & individual instructions
Great barbecue lunch
Free for members, nominal fee non-members

The Main Line Fly-Tyers club is comprised of junior and senior members possessing a common interest in the sport of fly fishing and the art of fly tying. We are devoted to sportsmanship, conservation of our fisheries and most importantly sharing our knowledge and experiences to introduce new men, women and our youth to the world of fly fishing.
Please visit and 'Like' our Facebook Page
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Subscribe to our Newsletter
Club Officers & Email Contact
President: Rich Mooney president @
Vice President: Frank Downs vp @
Treasurer: Charles Hammes treasurer @
Secretary: Don Bowers secretary @
Newsletter: Don Bowers newsletter @
(note, remove the spaces when using the email addy's)