Main Line Fly-Tyers

Philadelphia's Oldest Fly Tying Club

Established 1971

Oct xx, 2020:

Sep 17, 2020:

Tim Flagler - Introduction to Trout Spey Fishing

Trout Spey is nothing new, it’s just a more effective way to swing flies like streamers, soft-hackles and classic wets. Yes, you can use it for nymphing and dry fly fishing, but swinging and stripping is where trout spey works best. The real difference comes when you employ either single-hand or two-hand spey casting techniques. These make for no back casts to worry about, much longer casts, easy, fast changes of cast direction, more effective mending and generally more relaxing fishing. Presentation is largely video-based but includes an equipment show-and-tell at the end.

Tim has been fly ishing and tying for more than 30 years. He founded Tightline Productions in 1998, a video production company that specializes in promotional and instructional video. Don't miss his fabulous instructional videos at his Vimeo Channel, Tight Line Productions. He's known worldwide for these tying videos. These videos frankly represent the industry standard!  He is also a presenter, featured tyer at many of the Fly Fishing and Tying shows, instructor and guide.


The meeting will be held at the Curtis Hall (an outdoor facility) at the Curtis Arboretum loacated at 1250 Church Road (RT 73), Wyncote PA om Cheltenmham Twp. DO NOT go to our normal loacatoin we will not be there!

Attendeess must briong your own lawn chair and will be encourage to space out to allow for socila distancing.

Face covers will be required for the duration of the meeting.

Google Maps showing location of the Artboretum

Dec 19, 2018 Christmas Party & Annual Auction

Come early to enjoy the free buffet. Then open your wallewt and bid away on the auction items.

Jan xx, 2021: Note, this is the 4th Thursday .......

2020 - 2021 Meeting Schedule and Speakers

Jun xx, 2021: .......

To be decided depending on social restrictions.

Tim Flagler

Nov xx, 2020: